Evergreen - Autumn Woods.

Author: Autumn Woods.
Pages: 514 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, NA, Adult.
Published: November 28, 2023. Independently published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.41.

This book is an ARC book and was provided by Love Notes PR in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Love Notes PR and Autumn Woods.

Hii, my fellow readers. This week's book is 'Evergreen' by Autumn Woods. The author's first debut novel. Evergreen is the first book in a series of interconnected, standalone romantasy novels set in the world of Yterras.

I must announce that I did not finish this book. This book is mainly focused on romance, but I really missed the Fantasy in it. I stopped reading this book on page 217, because of certain reasons. Let me start:

This book starts with the POV of Rexxan, our male (and very old) main character. This was something different for me but I didn't mind. I was excited to start this book. When Renna, our other POV (female main character) entered the story, I found it very hard to connect with her. She can be very childish (especially at the beginning of the book) and it made me question some things during the story (it made me cringe at certain parts). I also find the names very confusing: Rexxan is the male MC, and Renna is our female MC. It was sometimes confusing which pov you entered. Luckily, our author entered the names of the characters in the titles of the chapters. 

I missed a lot of important background and development in certain characters. What I mean by that: there was information that I missed about certain characters that happened during an action or situation and I was really confused. I never knew important information (about a character) before/during the action/situation which made it very confusing to follow sometimes. The information that you get about the characters during the situation felt rushed to me.

This story is an instant love story (which I mostly enjoy reading). However, the instant love was direct and it didn't have a great buildup to it. They just laid eyes on each other and a few pages later they are already in bed. I missed some connection between the characters...

The world is big, but the world-building isn't that big. I know that there are Five kingdoms and a dark forest. I missed some descriptions of the world. Maybe a little history of the other realms, but maybe that wasn't the author her intention... I don't know. Yet, there are maps in this book. Good to have, if you need them during the book. 

I had high hopes for reading this book. Maybe they were too high... This book is more about smut/romance than it is about anything else. There is a backstory to it, but no depth or great development to it. If you enjoy an easy smut book, then I guess this is for you. I, on the other hand, enjoy a good romance with an amazing world, great developed characters, and a lovable romance buildup in it. Sadly to tell you that this book was just not for me. But it maybe be a book for you? 

The Annual Gathering of the Five Kingdoms is upon us. I'm going to give the Forest King the benefit of the doubt and assume he must have forgotten to post my invite.
As Commander of the Shadow Hunters, I don't reign over one of the five Kingdoms of Yterras, but rather the darkness that snakes between their borders, keeping out the plague of evil. All I wanted was respect for our work, and to live within their borders without punishment. Instead, I got shot.
I didn't expect the Forest King to have such a good aim. Or to look like... that.
Evin in the dark, his auburn-orange eyes pierce through me, and his striking scars make me think he's hiding just as much as I am.
It's easy to keep my sectret hidden when I hate him. When he locks me up and punishes my brother just to get to me. 
But then I feel the heat of his touch. The electricity in the air around him. And when bitter fights turn into amorous nights, I realize if he knew the real reason I spend my life in the shadows, he'd do far worse than shoot me.
I've been confined to darkness since the day I was born. 
I've lived for so long in the most intricately-spun web of lies, but when the King and I are forced to face far greater issues together, it all threatens to unravel itself.

Love, ❤


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