Promises and Pomgranates - Sav R. Miller.

Promises and Pomegranates.
Author: Sav R. Miller.
Pages: 382 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Romance, Mafia, NA, Adult, Greek Mythology, Dark Romance, Fiction.
Published: August 10, 2021.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3.54

Hello, my fellow readers. this week's book is "Promises And Pomegranates" by Sav R. Miller. The first book in the standalone series Monster & Muses. PAP is a full-length, standalone, dark contemporary romance inspired by the Hades and Persephone myth. It is Not fantasy or a literal retelling. If you're not a reader of the genre, this book may not be suitable for you. Reader discretion is advised.

This book starts kind of disturbing. Kal goes to a meeting with Rafael, where he asks for his daughter's hand in marriage, and Rafael says no. So Kal shows Rafael a video of him and Rafael's daughter doing some naughty stuff and blackmails Rafael so he has to say yes, but the video Kal has is blackmail from somebody else. Anyway, this book starts kind of cringy and there are more cringy parts (Cough "Carmen")  

There aren't many characters, but enough for this book. Elena is naïve and then she becomes a whole other person when she marries Kal. 
Kal is a doctor and also in the mafia. He is the typical hot, dark, bad, killer man who every girl adores.
Carmen, you are disturbing. 
I don't understand why Rafael didn't leave Carmen...

The world takes place in Boston and Alpana Island. A small world but kind of nice. 

This book had some really cringy moments for me. I finished it, but it took me some time. There were parts that were very slow to read and kind of unnecessary. There were also parts that I still don't get, but I guess that's just me. It was okay (except for the cringy parts) but there were also a lot of things that felt incomplete. Anyway, If you like a spicy smut book, then this book is yours. 

To most, Kal Anderson is a villain.
Harbinger of death, keeper of souls, frequenter of nightmares.
Docter Death, Hades incarnate.
They say he stole me.
Usurped my fiancé and filled the cracks in my heart with empty promises.
Imprinted his crimson fingerprints on my psyche and tried to set me free.
They're not wrong, per se.
Except it was my choice to stay.

To most, Elena Ricci is an innocent.
Goddess of springtime, lover of poetry, the angel of my nightmares.
Little one, Persephone personified.
They say I ruined her.
Shattered her virtue and devoured her soul like a succulent pomegranate.
Embedded my evil as deep as i could possibly get and treid to set her free.
They're not wrong, per se.
Except it was she who ruined me.



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