Pukka: Herbal Collection Organic.


Pukka 'Herbal Collection Organic'

In the morning I prefer to drink coffee, but in the afternoon I prefer drinking tea. Preferably caffeine free, because I would like to sleep at night. This collection is naturally caffeine free, ethically sourced and organically (100%) grown ingredients.

Elderberry and Echinacea.
I like to drink red tea. But I didn't like this tea.. I think it's because the elderberry is not what I particularly like. I never tried elderberry tea before, but this tea is not my favorite tea to drink. The after taste was to berry and weirdly tasting. 

Licorice root, ginger root, echinacea root and leaf (10%), beetroot, aniseed, rosehip, elderflower (8%), peppermint leaf, orange peel, elderberry (6%), hebiscus flower, orange essential, oil flavour, natural blackcurrant flavour.

Echinacea is an herb used to shorten the duration of colds and flu and to reduce symptoms such as sore troat, fever and cough. It is also used to aid the immune system and fight infections.

Lemon, Ginger and Manuka Honey.
This tea was good! It has some ginger and lemon in it which normally is a strong taste, but in this tea it has a soft taste. This is quite a nice tea to drink before bedtime.

Ginger root (32%), licorice root, elderflower, sweet fennel seed, lemon verbena leaf, turmeric root, lemon essential oil flavour (6%), lemon whole (6%), lemon myrtle leaf, manuka honey flavour (2%)

Manuka honey is healing for infections and wounds. It's also rich in antioxidants which also contribute to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the honey.

Feel new.
A clean fusion of aniseed, fennel and cardamom. When I first read the ingredient list, I thought: 'This is not my cup off tea'. Because it contains coriander and I'm not a fan of coriander. I had to try it, and suprisingly I do like this tea. You taste a tiny bit coriander, but it doens't make the tea taste bad. It's a soft tea, which is also good before bedtime.

Aniseed (32.5%), sweet fennel seed (32.5%), cardamom pod (15%), licorice root, coriander seed, turmeric root.

Cardamom is packed with lots of antioxidants. It aids in digestion and can even reduce the risk of many diseases.

Three mint.
A verdant fushion of peppermint, spearmint and fieldmint. Mint tea is one of the tea's I drink the most. I don't think you can ruin a mint tea and this one is a good mint tea.

Peppermint leaf (45%), spearmint leaf (39%), fieldmint leaf (16%).

Mint leaves are full of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C + E  and small amounts of vitamin B complex. These substances support your immune system and protect against inflammation. The scent of mint helps to open the aireways and ensures the drainage of mucus and bacteria.

Night Time.
A dreamy bed of oatflower, lavender and limeflower. This tea is one of my favorite tea in this collection. It has this soft taste of lavender and lime and it does make me very calm. I drink this tea before bedtime because it makes me sleepy which is good because it gives me a good night rest.

Oat flowering tops (30%), licorice root, chamomile flower, lavender flower (14%), limeflower (10%), valerian root, tulsi leaf.

Lavender tea improves sleep, reduces inflammation, boost immune health, detoxifies the body, supports digestive health and aids respiratory health.

These are the teas in this collection from Pukka. Different kind of teas but still great ones. I didn't like them all, but most of them were good. Also, these teas are good before bedtime, because there kinda relaxing teas. The teas don't have a strong taste, but it's good enough. I also like that they are 100% natural and organic. A good herbal/organic collection.



- This collection was bought in 'Bioplanet' for 4.69€ -


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