All The Stars And Teeth - Adalyn Grace.

All The Stars And Teeth.
Author: Adalyn Grace.
Pages: 380 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Pirates, Romance, Magic, Fiction, Mermaids, Adventure.
Published: February 4, 2020. By Imprint. 
Goodreads Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3.67 Stars.

Hii, my fellow readers. This week's book is 'All The Stars And Teeth' by Adalyn Grace. The first book in the ATSAT duology series.

This book had a slow start. Which was okay because the world-building and magic system took place in this part. From the middle part, the real story started and the adventure began. 

The characters were likable. A princess, a pirate, a mermaid. Which I all enjoyed, but no character was outstanding. The romance in this book was a little bit shallow, and a little bit predictable. At the start, I thought it would be a love triangle romance. But it was not, I do think that Adalyn missed the opportunity to make one, because it would have been a good one. But the whole romance was a little bit... average. However, my favorite characters are Bastian and Vataea. Bastian is our MC male and seems kind of fun. Vataea, she is a badass mermaid. I really liked her character. I mus say, the bounding between the crew did have some growth, which was adorable to read. 

The world is very interesting and has a lot of potential. I'm really curious to discover more about the world and the island. But mostly the magic system. It seems like a very complicated but interesting magic system. Where you can accomplish a lot, but a lot can also go wrong. I'm very intrigued about the magic system. This kept me reading because it was so unique. The book has a map (that I enjoy). Overall, it was a great world-building and a awesome magic system. 

I do enjoy a good pirate-mermaids-adventure-romance, and I love the magic system of this book. However, it was an average book that had so much more potential. I missed the lack of depth of the characters. I missed a better romance (I'm aware that this is a YA book, but even the romance had a lack of depth to it). Yet, the ending was thrilling and exciting which made me rethink to consider reading the sequel to this book. I must say, it ended on a good cliffhanger and it had some good plots near the end. The adventure was fun and exciting. So, overall it was an okay book. Do I recommend this? If you enjoy Caraval by Stephanie Garber or Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, I think you will enjoy this.

Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaids seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice.

She will reign.

As princess of the island kingdom Visidia, Amora Montara has spent her entire life training to be High Animancer, the master of souls. The rest of the realm can choose their magic, but for Amora, it's never been a choice. To secure her place as heir to the throne, she must prove her mastery of the monarchy's dangerous soul magic.

When her demonstration goes awry, Amora is forced to flee. She strikes a deal with Bastian, a mysterious pirate. He'll help her prove she's fit to rule, if she'll help him reclaim his stolen magic.

But sailing the kingdom holds more wonder, and more peril, than Amora anticipated. A destructive new magic is on the rise, and if Amora is to conquer it, she'll need to face legendary monsters, cross paths with vengeful mermaids, and deal with a stow-away she never expected. 

I am the right choice. The only choice. And I will protect my kingdom.

Love, ❤


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