The Edge Of Everything - Jeff Giles.

The Edge Of Everything.
Author: Jeff Giles.
Pages: 358 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Romance, Paranormal, Fiction, Contemporary, Mystery, Urban Fantasy.
Published: January 31, 2017. By Bloomsbury USA Children's.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3.51.

Hii, my fellow readers. This week's book is 'The Edge Of Everything' by Jeff Giles. The first book in the fantasy duology 'Edge Of Everything'.

I really wanted to like this book, because I already bought the second book. But, I didn't. The beginning of this book had a good start. It was exciting and thrilling. However, during the book, I lost interest in the story itself and I didn't get any connection to the characters. This book is currently a DNF for me.

The main character is Zoe, she is such a fierce and strong character. Yet, when X arrived, she went soft and emotional. X is still a character I'm eager to discover more, but that was not enough for me to finish this book. Stan is such a cruel and weird character... The other characters seemed weird and random to me (I can't remember the guy's name, but the one who is in love with the mother). Sadly, I didn't have any connection to the characters.

The world-building is underdeveloped. It's contemporary (it takes place in the woods with a beautiful lake) but with Lowlands. It should've been more described. 

Honestly, I don't know what to say more. This was very slow, but the romance was instant. There were parts in this book, were I couldn't follow (because some parts were vague and sudden, without further explanation). When I read the synopsis, I was very curious and excited. But during the story, I had to lay the book down. It made me tired while reading it... As I said, I couldn't connect to the characters, the story was random and vague at some parts, The synopsis trigger me more than the story itself and I just wished I liked it more. Yet, I'm still curious to continue, but not now (who knows when I'll pick it up again...). 

For the perfect love, what would you be willing to lose?

It's been a shattering year for seventeen-year-old Zoe, who's still reeling from her father's shockingly sudden death in a caving accident and her neighbors' mysterious disappearance from their own home. Then on a terrifying sub-zero, blizzardy night in Montana, she and her brother are brutally attacked in a cabin in the woods. Only to be rescued by a mysterious bounty hunter they call X.

X is no ordinary bounty hunter. He is from a hell called the Lowlands, sent to claim the soul of Zoe's evil attacker and others like him. X is forbidden from revealing himself to anyone other than his prey, but he casts aside the Lowlands' rules for Zoe. As they learn more about their colliding worlds, they begin to question the past, their fate, and their future.

Love, ❤


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