Den Of Vipers - K.A. Knight.

Den Of Vipers.
Author: K.A. Knight.
Pages: 654 pages, Kindle Edition.
Genres: Reverse Harem, Dark Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Erotica, Fiction.
Published: July 10, 2020. Independently published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3.56.

Hii my fellow readers. Today I'm going to talk abot "Den Of Vipers" by K.A.Knight. I think this book is a standalone, but I can't find any  information about that. Anyway, Let's talk about the book.

When I first started this book, I didn't know what I was getting into. A friend said that I should read it. So I did read it. And honestly.. I don't know what to think about it.. This is not a book you should read for the story, because the story is not that great.. if you would like to read this book for the smut, than this is 100% your book. 

I didn't like the main character. Named Roxxanne (aka Roxy). She really is a "Not like other girls" I even find her character a bit annoying.. Does she even know what she wants? I mean, she was trying to leave and escape, but then one guy takes her on the floor and now she loves all the guys.. And that all happend in one week to be exact..

I did like the Vipers. They all have their past and emotions that suits them. If it was not for them, I would have dnf't this book. 

The timeline of this book is really short.. This whole book happen in one week and that annoys me really hard. Also, the book has more than 600 pages, which is very much for just a story in one week.. 

This is just a smut book. It's not worth the read if you want to read it for the story. Their is absolutely no plot twist in the book of cliffhanger. And maybe that's for the best. I really didn't like the main character. I was not a big fan of this book, because it really took me a while to read and the story isn't that great. However I did finish it, why? I don't know.. I guess the smut was oké.

Ryder, Garrett, Kenzo, and Diesel. The Vipers.

They run this town and everyone in it. Their deals are as sordid as their business, and their reputation is enough to bring a grown man to his knees, forcing him to beg for mercy. They are not people you mess with, yet my dad did.. The old man ran up a debt with them and then sold me to cover his losses.

Yes, sold me.
They own me now..

I'm theirs in every sense of the world. But I've never been meek and compliant. These men, they look at me with longing. Their scarred, blood-stained hands holding me tight. They want everything I am, everything I have to give, and won't stop until they get just that. They can own my body, but they will never have my heart.

The Vipers? I'm going to make them regret the day they took me.

This girl? She bites too.

Love, ❤


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