These Violent Delights - Chloe Gong.

These Violent Delights.
Author: Chloe Gong.
Pages: 463 pages, Kindle Edition.
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Retellings, YA, Romance, Mystery.
Published: November 17, 2020 by Margaret K. McElderry Books.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.00.

Hello my fellow readers. Today I'm gonna talk about the book "These Violent Delights" by Chloe Gong. This is the first book of the book-series TVD and the next book will be published on November 16th, 2021 (so..the second book is almost there!!). This book-series has a Christmas-special-book which tells the beginning of the TVD story between Roma and Julliete.

TVD starts a bit slow. Their are a lot of different POV's (which isn't particularly necessary in this book). The story takes place in Shanghai, in the year 1926. A blood feud between the two biggest gangs of Shanghai. The Scarlet Gang (Chinees) and the White Flowers (Russian). A true maffia book. However the city has a lot of different nationalities and other gangs who are trying to sabotage the two biggest gangs of Shanghai. And then there is a monster that makes people slit out there own throat.. And that's the part where it got me less interested in the book.. It didn't make sense that the people died while the slit their own throats.. Because of a monster with bugs.. Their was no science behind it (in my opinion) or psychological reason why they would slit out their own throats.. 

The characters are okay, I enjoy the maincharacters more than the others (Roma and Julliete). However, their love story is a bit.. questioning? Maybe the second book will explain it more? Because I still didn't get it. I had a completely other love story in my mind when I started this book.. I liked Marshall, Kathleen and Benedikt, they were badass. Rosalind whined a lot..

The world-building was okay. There was no map in the book, but I had my imagination. I really like that the story takes place in Shanghai, I think that that city looks really exciting to live in. Also, how cool is it that the story takes place in 1926?? I like history so that was a pluspoint for me. Side note, the author wrote a couple of history things in her "author's note" which were very interesting to read.

The story itself was fun to read, but it did felt a bit unfinished to me. I still had a lot of questions at the end if this book. But as I said, maybe it makes a lot more sense in the second book. The monster part was also unfinished to me.. It didn't made sense why people would slit out their own throats because of an insect? As you can read, I still have a lot of questions and I don't like it, when I finish a book, I want it to be clear and mostly understandable. I want the story to feel complete (even when it isn't complete, if that makes sense). I also putted to much hope in the romance part of this book, which wasn't that amazing.. But why wouldn't I expected that.. It's a retelling of Romeo and Julliete.. However, the writing style is clear and luxurious written. I like the style of Chloe, but the story didn't felt complete.. I'm still considering to read the other books in this series. But I guess will see.. I do like a good historical book.

The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery.

A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city helpless in the grip of chaos. At the heart of it all is eighteen-year-old Juliette Cai, a former flapper who has returned to assume her role as the prouw heir of the Scarlet Gang. A network of criminals far above the law. Their only rivals in power are the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. And behind every move is their heir, Roma Montagov, Juliette's first love... and first betrayal.

But when gangsters on both sides show signs of instability culminating in clawing their own throats out, the people start to whisper. Of a contagion, a madness. Of a monster in the shadows. As the death stack up, Juliette and Roma must set their guns, and grudges, aside and work together. For if they can't stop this mayhem, then there will be no city left for eather to rule.

This book is perfect for fans of "The Last Magician" and " Descendant of the Crane." This heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920's Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.

Love, ❤


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