Zodiac - Sam Wilson.

Author: Sam Wilson.
Pages: 432 pages, Paperback.
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy, Fiction, Crime, Dystopia.
Published: August 25, 2016 by Penguin Books.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3.36.

Hello my fellow readers. Today I'm gonna talk about the book 'Zodiac' by Sam Wilson. As far as I know, this book is a standalone.

When I saw this book, I was initially attracted by the cover of this book.. I didn't read the synopsis when I started this book... My mind saw the cover and thought "This will be another book about the zodiac killer!!".. But it wasn't. Though, the book has some killing in it, but the story itself is more centured about zodiac signs.

The author created a world very much like the world we live in, except people are judged by their signs (and not with their gender, color, religion.. Which is more in the world where we live in). I was a little bit dissapointment when I read this book.. It has a slow start and I had moments I wanted to DNF this book.. But I pushed myself through it and it got a bit better. The plot twists were okay but unfortunately I predicted  the ending. I still have a lot of questions that weren't answered in the book. Like: What happened with Burton's wife? however, the book has different POV's which is what I mostly enjoy in a crime fiction book.

The characters weren't that great either, I found myself thinking about who was who. Burton is mostly the maincharacter, he is quite insecure about himself and his status he was truely born in. Daniel is a rich guy who lost his father and has anger issues (mostly understandable because he didn't knew he had a daughter and his dad kept it a secret from him). Lindi is a medium who helps Burton with the case. Bram is just a teenage boy who thinks can help the world with solving things online.. And many more characters like that.

The world building is nothing special, there is no map in the book and probably not needed. The writing style was normal and not mind blowing. The description was often a bit overdone. The book was oké, but nothing special.

Would I recommend this book? Well,.. If you like reading about zodiac signs mixed with dystopia and crime? Then yes. However I (personally) would not read a follow up on this book (if there ever will come a follow up). Because I feel like there are many more books to discover that I would enjoy reading then this one. Zodiac is an easy book to read (except sometimes for the characters) and it has an interesting idea. Yet the story could be much better written in my opinion.

In a society divided along Zodiac lines, status is cast at birth and binding for life. Who you are can be determined by a matter of days, hours, even minutes..

When a series of uniquely brutal murders targets victims from totally different signs, is it a misguided revolution or the work of a serial killer?

All eyes are on Detective Jerome Burton and profiler Lindi Childs as they work to solve the case.
They may disagree over whether the answers are written in the stars, but they are united by their belief that a grand plan is being executed..

Love, ❤


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