Namesake - Adrienne Young.

Author: Adrienne Young
Pages: 363 pages, E-reader.
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Romance, Adventure, Pirates.
Published: March 16th 2021, Wednesday Books.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.16.

Hello fellow readers. Today I'm going to talk about Nameseka by Adrienne Young. This is the second book of the Fable-series (and I think the last one).
To be honest, I liked this book more than I liked Fable.

This book gave me summer-vibes. I really enjoy reading pirated-themed books, and this was one of them that I enjoyed reading. The story is exciting, it has intriguing characters and a lovely love story.

I liked the characters. Fable is such a powerful women, she is though and she doesn't take any crap from anyone. But she also has an inner soft side which makes her a strong women. Just as she finally finds a place she belongs to, she got taken into a scheme.. How will she survive? 

West is such a lovable guy, except he was already in love with Fable when he first saw her. Which is really romantic, but he said it in the first book after like 80pages? which is cringy as well. But in Namesake he really fights for Fable, which I think is really adorable and romantic. What he sacrifices is.. True love. But will Fable stay with him, when she finds out who West truly is? 

Fable's father, Saint is a special man. He shows his love for Fable in a special way, but in Namesake it makes more and more sence, why he did what he did. I like his character more in this book and he got my respect at the end.

There are many more characters with interesting personalities, if you wanna know more. Then you should read this series.

The world is beautiful written. It takes a lot place in the ocean which makes me dream about the beauty of the waters and the colours of it. The ships and the places are really well discribed. You get a good idea of the world, which is good for my imagination.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I liked it  more as the first book Fable because it has more story in it. The romance in this book is also better and adorabler. I think it's the last book in the series. These books really gave me summer-vibes and it was really fun to read and the covers are stunning. I recommend this series and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Welcome to a world made dangerous by the sea and by those who wish to profit from it. Where a young girl must find her place and her family while trying to survive in a world built for men.

With the Marigold ship free of her father. Fable and the rest of the crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when Fable becomes a pawn in a notorious thug's scheme. In order to get to her intented  destination. She must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems.

As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception, she learns that the sectrets her mother took to her grave are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them, then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.

Love, ❤


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