Forced Bonds - J. Bree.

Forced Bonds.
Author: J. Bree.
Pages: 532 pages, Paperback.
Genre: Reverse Harem, Paranormal, Romance, Shapeshifters, Dark Romance, Magic, Fantasy, NA.
Published: March 26, 2022. Independently Published. 
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.55.

Hii, my fellow readers. This week's book is going to be "Forced Bonds" by J. Bree. The fourth book of "The Bonds That Tie" series. Forced Bonds is a full reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger and has foul language and sexual content. 

First off, how stunning is this cover?? I really LOVE the book covers of this entire series. It is stunning. The artist is amazing. 

The character development had a little bit of a lack... I've read this series completely (at the moment, I'm still waiting for the other books to come out) and I know (almost) all the characters inside out. We've been reminded a lot of Nox's traumas, but I don't understand why he hates Oli so much, and I find it weird that Oli does understand it. This makes no sense to me because she has a lot of trauma too and she is still a nice person to her bonded. Also, what the hell happened to Nox, that he has such traumas?

I still love the other characters (the bonds), and the friends of Oli. I was really shocked at the plot of Blood Bonds. I mean... Sage? But it all makes sense now. I am glad that Vivian is still going strong. I love that bastard.

The world-building is pretty much the same, except for the wastelands. There are sudden more wastelands where war takes place. However, you still get a pretty clear idea of what the world looks like.

I enjoyed reading this book, but I felt like the previous books were much better written, overall. There were certain parts that were huge, but they were written like it wasn't that big of a thing (even though it really was). This story was so focused on the plot, that some side stories/moments or character developments didn't seem like something important. Which was kind of a bummer because the previous books had these build-ups to those specific parts and then this book made them seem like it wasn't important (Yes, I am talking about the Nox part). Also, what happened to Athlas's sister? 

Overall, I did enjoy reading this book. But as I said, I liked the previous books better. They had a much better development in characters, and certain moments/parts. I missed that in this book (because it was so focused on the plot). I almost cried for the plot though... It was such a sad moment. So, be aware that this book ends on a cliffhanger. I'm still curious to the next book. How does this story go further? What is the cover gonna look like? What will happen next? I am invested in this story, so I'm gonna continue reading it. 

They say to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

What if they're one and the same? 

The stable foundation I thought I'd built in the Sanctuary has been ripped away, and I find myself on teh front lines of the war against the Resistance. I might have my Bonds on my side, but there are darker schemes in motion.

Can I prove myself and turn the tide to protect our most vulnerable, or am I nothing more than the monster they've always claimed I am? 

Will we make it out of this without tragic consequences?


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