Save Me - Ashley N. Rostek.

Save Me.
Author: Ashley N. Rostek.
Pages: 244 pages, E-book
Genre: Reverse Harem, Dark Romance, High School, NA, Abuse, Mystery, Contemporary.
Published: December 30, 2021. Independently published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.40.

Hii, me fellow readers. This week's book is "Save Me" by Ashley N. Rostek. The second book in the WITSEC series. Save Me is a reverse harem romance. It contains violence, graphic killing, foul language, and sexual content. Some parts might be triggering.

How many times can a character have bad luck? And how can it affect an MC? I had the feeling that Shiloh is not her usual self anymore... She became more depressed and she pushes everyone around her, away... She does have a lot of bad luck and I wouldn't know how to react to the things she goes true, but through this book, I didn't like her that much as in the previous book. She was even a little bit annoying to me... And I liked her because she was such a strong and "working on my fears" kind of person. 

However, the guys were something else. they kept going, and they kept protecting Shiloh. Even when she was "annoying" and didn't deserve it. I admire their stamina. Her cousin comes back in this book. He discovers things that Shiloh is afraid to admit. 

There are other characters that creeped me the hell out or that I hated so much. I wouldn't sleep either... But the way Shiloh handled things... I would have done it differently. 

The world-building is still the same as in the previous book "Find Me". You get a good idea of what the world looks like and it's easy to follow. 

I overall enjoyed reading this book. However, I didn't like our MC as I did in the previous book. She whined too much as I liked she would do (I know, her life is crazy! But I missed my badass, strong woman). Yet, I like to continue reading this series. Because I am way too curious to find certain things out and how this series will end. I believe that Shiloh goes back to the way I liked about her (even with her crazy traumas) and I am curious to find out what will happen with the guys. Also, how will Mr. X present himself? Will he come back or not? I can't wait to find out more about this series, because I still recommend it. Hopefully, you enjoy this series as much as I do. 

Save me from my past.
Save me from my fear.
Save me from my pain.
Save me from myself.

The Stone brothers are the reason I can smile again. They are my only light in the drowning darkness. What started as a friendship between them and me has become something more. They want me and I want them, too. But that won't happen with my grief tearing me apart.

Will I succumb to my grief and let it destroy me? Or will my guys be able to save me? 



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