The Faded Dragon - Cameron Michaels.

The Faded Dragon.
Author: Cameron Michaels.
Pages: 384 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, High fantasy.
Published: February 3rd, 2023. Self-published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.08.

This book is an ARC book and was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Cameron Michaels.

Hii, my fellow readers. This week's book is 'The Faded Dragon' by Cameron Michaels. The first published book of the author and the first book of 'The Twin World's Saga' series/trilogy. A new fast-paced, high-fantasy book to discover.

This book contains multiple POVs. Namely our MCs: Gahlaia, Borhiim, and Tirehn. I liked how the characters are, and how their relationships grow.  They are each unique in their own certain way (fantasy creatures, elves, dragons, and each has a unique story to tell). The description of the characters and their appearance is amazing (the horns, the wings, etc..). However, I missed some depth to the characters, and some character names are very similar to one, which was a bit confusing sometimes.

The world-building in this book was good. This world has such an interesting history and magic system to it. It comes with a map, which I always like. And I am curious to discover more about this world.

I overall enjoyed reading this book. The war/battle scenes were very well described and it kept me reading during these parts. I was very invested. The magic system and the history between dragons, elves, and humans are very intriguing. This is a fast-paced book, which I don't mind when it's intended. However, some reveals felt a bit too soon (for me) and I missed a little more build-up to these certain parts. There is a little bit of romance in this book, but not too much. The characters are fun and interesting, but I missed some more depth in them. Anyway, if you enjoy reading high-fantasy, with dragons and elves. A book that is fast-pacing with epic battle scenes. Then I recommend this book to you. That being said, I am curious about his next book.

Peace is a frail thing, but the truth is even frailer.

The old war between the dragons and elves has long been over, and Deerium has entered a new age. The humans have taken hold and the last fragment of days gone by, known as the Takahrn, have been made slaves. 
Gahlaia, the Takahrn's rightful leader, is given a chance to save her people. Borhiim, a man with a confusing past, must choose between his new life and the one left behind. Tirehn, the soon-to-be-king, seeks to find his father's murderer. All the while, the Eternal moves them together to discover the reality of their world, and the one who's been pulling all the strings.

Love, ❤


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