Apple - parsin soup.

Apple - parsin soup.
This soup is a different one then other soups. It's not a soup you usually make, because it's a little bit special (sweeter taste). I always make this soup when it's colder outside and Christmas is in sight. It's easy to make, it's healty and delicious. 

Ingredients:  (for 4 persons)
- 5 Parsins.
- 2 Apples.
- 2 Onions.
-1/2 Celery.
- 3L Chicken bouillon (I used vegetable bouillon).
- Butter.
- 1 Clove of garlic.
- Fresh herbs: fresh bay leaf, fresh thyme, fresh parsley.
- Pepper and salt.

Step 1: 
Put the soup kettle on a medium heat, and melt a big knob of butter in it.

Step 2:
Cut all vegetables into roughly pieces and stew the onions in the butter. 

Step 3: 
Peel the apples, remove the core and cut the fruit into pieces. Put the apples in the soup kettle and stir.

Step 4:
Wash the celery and roughly chop the stems (PS: keep the back of the celery and cook it in the soup for extra flavor). Put the roughy chopped celery in the soup kettle and stir.

Step 5:
Peel the parsins, cut the top and the bottom off. Roughly chop them and add them to the pot as well. Stir everything.

Step 6:
Tie a bouquet garni with thyme, bay leaf and parsley and simmer.

Step 7:
Pour the chicken stock into the soup kettle and let the soup simmer for 30 minutes.

Step 8:
Remove the bouquet garni and the back of the celery.

Step 9:
Mix the soup and season it with salt and pepper.

Bon appétit!



- This recipe is from Jeroen Meeus -


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