The Story So Far by The Story So Far.


The Story So Far by The Story So Far.
Length: 30.33 Minutes.
Published: 19 May 2015.
Label: Pure Noise Records.

The Story So Far is an American Pop punk band from Walnut Creek, California. TSSF is one of the populairest band in the pop-punk scene. This album is their 3th album. TSSF is the first pop-punk band that I listened to and It's the first band that Introduced me to the pop punk scene. I don't think that I have a favorite album from this band because I really like all their albums. I got this one on vinyl and it's gorgeous, it's a see true LP. Which is cool. A great album and I recommend it to everyone. 

The vocals from Parker are amazing and he shows his best side. His rough and loud vocals immediately set the tone of this album. The vocals and the energetic and bangers instruments immediately leave a great impression behind. Every song has this energy in it and you can feel the emotions behind it.

1. Smile.
2. Heavy Gloom.
3. Distaste.
4. Solo.
5. Mock.
6. How You Are.
7. Nerve.
8. Phantom.
9. Scowl.
10. Stalemate.



- This vinyl is limited coloured edition, I ordered it from -


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