Five Dark Fates - Kendare Blake.

Five Dark Fates.
Author: Kendare Blake.
Pages: 452 pages, Hardcover.
Genre: Fantasy, YA, Fiction.
Published: September 3rd, 2019.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 3.94.

Five Dark Fates is the fourth and the last book of the bookseries 'Three Dark Crowns' written by Kendare Blake. I've managed to finish this book and this book series. I really enjoyed reading this book series, however it was not the best bookseries I ever read. But first, lets talk about 'Five Dark Fates'.

As I mentioned, this book was the fourth and the last book of the book series Three Dark Crowns and I'm glad I finished it. This book took me longer then I expected and wanted because there where moments I read 10 pages and fell assleep while reading this story. It could be my tiredness thanks to my work or maybe those parts took to long to read. I've noticed that there were parts that were to long and kinda a bit boring, but when I read further it was again fun to read. 

The characters were fascinating as well.  I really liked how Arsinoe was in this book, such a fierceless person. Jules should be a legion queen but I felt like her part didn't matter eventually, her part to me felt like she could be more and do more than she did. Billy, he was a guy who cared so much for everybody and I loved that. Mirabella is way to concerned for both her sisters and because of that she died.. Pietyr, I didn't like him in the beginning of this series but I eventually started to like him. He trully cares for Katharine, even when that means he can't be with her, just so she can be safe. Katharine finally took the courage to deal with the dead queens and I still hate Emilia, she is just such an anoiing person, however I really thought it was cute that she protected Jules so much because she is in love with her.

The story is good, but I think I expected more of it? Maybe I had to many high hopes for this book. The ending was partly sad, but I felt hope for Arsinoe which is great because she deserved it and I hope she could get her boy Billy back.

After the grim confrontation with Queen Katharine, the rebellion lies in tatters. Jules's legion curse has been unbound, and it is up to Arsinoe to find a cure, even as the responsibility of stopping the ravaging mist lies heavy on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. Mirabella has disappeared.

Katharine's reign remains intact - for now. When Mirabella arrives, seemingly under a banner of truce, Katharine begins to yearn for the closeness that Mirabella and Arsinoe share. But as the two circle each other, the dead queens hiss caution - Mirabelle is not to be trusted.

In this conclusion to the Three Dark Crowns series, three sisters will rise to fight as the secrets of Fennbirn's history are laid bare. Allegiances will shift. Bonds will be tested. But the fate of the island lies in the hands of its queens. It always has.

Three Dark Crowns series.
I've enjoyed reading this series, but as I said. It was not the best series in the world. It had some boring parts and the story could be written much shorter and probably in 2 or 3 books.  Also I think there were a lot of characters to memorize and sometimes I had to think who that person was and what his part in this book was. But if I see the whole picture I think Kendare Blake did a good job. It is a fun series to read.



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