The Queen of Nothing - Holly Black.

The Queen of Nothing.
Author: Holly black.
Pages: 308 pages, Hardcover.
Genre: Fantasy, Fairies, Romance, YA.
Published: November 19th, 2019.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.35.

Hello my fellow readers. Today I wanna talk about 'The Queen of Nothing', the third book in the Folk of the Air series' written by Holly Black. 

So what are my thoughts on this book? Well.. I loved it, I loved this book, and the two previous books. I love the whole 'The Folk of The Air' series and I truly think it's my favorite series at the moment or maybe all-time. My goal is to find a limited edition (and maybe a dutch version) of this serie, because I will probably read this serie over and over again. 

I love the characters. How Jude is so determind to be powerfull but yet so human to fall in love. How Cardan is a Faerie and lingers to the power he has (and wants), and how everybody thinks he is incable to be a king or a true leader. But then he surprises everybody and truly is a king and a lover. How Taryn wants to win Jude her trust again. How Madoc is powerfull but yet so weak.. 

The world and the writing is truly amazing. It got me sucked in the world of my imagination and it was so surreal. I really like Holly Black her writing style. She can write a great plot twist and she did it with this book as well as the other two books. 

What are my thoughts on this book? I think this book deserves an aplause. It was a beautiful ending, but I kinda hope for more books of Jude and Cardan aka Jurdan. However I will be ok if this is the ending of this series. The Queen of Nothing was a different ending than I would expected but I'm happy the way it was. Because it was and ending that I hoped Jude and Cardan would get so I'm sattisfied. I think this book was my favorite of the three books and I will probably read it over and over again. 

BTW fun fact: The Queen of Nothing is the Goodreads choice winner of 2020.

He will be the destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne.

Power is much easier to acquire than it is to hold on to. Jude learned that lesson when she released her control over the wicked king, Cardan, in exchange for immeasurable power. Now, as the exiled mortal Queen of Faerie, Jude is left reeling from Cardan's betrayal. She bides her time, determined to reclaim everything he took from her. Opportunity arrives in the form of her deceptive twin sister, Taryn, whose mortal life is in peril.

Jude must risk venturing back into the treacherous Faerie Court, and confront her lingering feelings for Cardan, if she wishes to save her sister. But Elfhame is not as she left it. War is brewing. As Jude slips deep withing enemy lines, she becomes ensnared in the conflict's bloody politics.

And when a terrible curse is unleashed, panic spreads throughout the land, forcing her to choose between her ambition and her humanity..

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black comes the highly anticipated and jaw-dropping finale to the Folk of The Air series.



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