The Threat Below - Jason Latshaw.

The Threat Below.
Author: Jason Latshaw.
Pages: 544 pages, Paperback and ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, fiction, YA, science fiction - dystopia.
Published: February 2020.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.30

This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Jason Latshaw.

Hello my fellow readers. Today I wanna talk about the book 'The Threat Below' by author J. Latshaw. The first book of the 'Brathius History' series. The second book 'A gallery of mothers' will be published on may 30th 2020 (according my Goodreads app). 

And to be honest..... I really enjoyed reading this book. There where parts I really didn't expected and got me mindblown. However, I still got so many questions..

The characters where fun. However, it was kinda hard at the beginning to follow because there were so many characters with hard and look-a-like names. But when I got further in the book it was easier and I understood it much better. 

Icelyn is the daughter of Nicolas Brathius, who is chief of the mountaintop. She has a lot of responsibility, but then something happens and she "has" to run away. She is a smart person (However I sometimes questioned that) and she has power. I really liked her character.

Then we got Adorane, the best friend of Icelyn and he is ofcourse the strong hunter guy. I loved his character he was smart and strong, but has a softer side (which he doesn't like to show). However I hated his girlfriend and how they snuggled. 

Torrain, oh dear Torrain (aka Rainy). You smartass and funny guy. I laughed so many times on your reaction on things. At the beginning I thought 'oh dear, what a stupid person' but when you get further in the book he really is a nice person and I really liked the character. 

Those are the three main characters, that I liked the most. There are ofcourse many more characters. But that's up to you to explore ;). 

The world was beautifull described. I really could imagine a world like that and I also liked the small world- prints above the chapters (it gave you a better idea of how the world looked like and it was easier to follow). It really got me thinking "What will I do if I ended up in a world like that? Would I explore or would I stay on the mountaintop?". Spoiler alert - I would explore.

The writing style was amazing, you could read the effort the author put in his book and it was amazing to read his use of words in the book. 

So what are my thoughts on this book? I really enjoyed reading it. I normally wouldn't directly grab for a book like this, but I really enjoyed it. At the beginning it was somethimes hard to follow (because of the names), but that will go away and it will all make sence. I liked the triangle romance and I hope there would be more of it in the second one, because I still got so many questions. And I can't wait till the second book to come out. The Threat Below is a fun book to read, with great plot-twist throughout the story, a book I would recommend. 

Three hundred years ago, something terrifying arose and pushed humanity to the brink of extinction. Now, a small remnant, the descendants of the few survivors who were able to escape the massacre below, lives above the clouds, on the top of a mountain.

When they discover that their water supply is being poisoned Down Below, an expedition, including seventeen year-old girl Icelyn Brathius, must descend and face the monsters. The Threat Below, that wiped out civilization centuries ago.

Icelyn quickly learns that all is not what it seems as she uncovers secrets hundreds of years old and struggles to stay alive in a world where no human is fit to survive.

Love, ❤


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