Blood Bonds - J. Bree.

Blood Bonds.
Author: J. Bree.
Pages: 336 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Paranormal, Magic, Reverse Harem, Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Omegaverse.
Published: December 21, 2021. Independently published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 4.57.

Hello, my fellow readers. today I am going to talk about Blood Bonds. BB is the third book in the "The Bonds That Tie" - series by J. Bree. It is a full length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.

I really enjoy reading this series, but I am a bit conflicted with this book. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy reading this book. However a little less than the previous ones. This book started with a great beginning. It was a real nail-biting experience. But then it slowed a bit down and it felt like the story needed to be filled. Yet, there were parts that I really enjoyed. Except, it took a bit to get to these particular parts. And then... Bam! The big cliffhanger at the end of the book... I didn't see that coming. Overall, There were a lot of things going on, but at the same time, nothing happened.

You get a POV from almost every character in this book. Oli, the five Bonds, and even Oli's Bond. This was so fascinating to read because you'll see that Oli and her bond have different personalities (which we already knew a little bit). Yet, Oli's bond cares very much for Oli and she tries to protect her. Oli however, kind of hates it when her Bond takes over, and then she whines about being a monster... (She said it many times) That annoyed me after a while because even though everybody gets a little freaked out and scared when her bond takes over. But eventually, they live with it.

The other characters are interesting. In each book, you get a better and better look at the five Bonds from Oli and why they did what they did and act how they act(ed). I am curious to find out more about their past and why they thought Oli was bad news (when you read Blood Bonds, you get a better view of why they thought Oli was bad news, but I want to know more!). 

The world-building is getting bigger and expanded. However, Bree didn't really get into details when it comes to world-building. Probably because it takes place in this world and you get an idea of what it looks like.

I enjoyed reading this book. However, I liked the two previous books more. They were more exciting and Oli had to work hard for everything. This book contains more about the smut (which is good!) but less about the whole story and why the Resistance do what they do (Because honestly, I still don't know...). I am very curious about how Bree is going to make a six-book series out of this. Yet I am very excited because it is a good story. Hopefully, it doesn't get slow. Blood Bonds is a fun book to read, but I wish it got more into details at some certain parts (and I mean emotions and past-related). I do recommend this book and this series. Hopefully, you enjoy it as much as I did.

Blood Bonds: ★★★★☆
Spicy: 🌶🌶🌶

After three years on the run, I'm back in a Resistance camp, chained to a chair as the resident monster. Everything I ran from, all of the villains of my past, they're all here to take another bite out of me. 

But this time, I'm not alone...

With my Bonds desperately trying to reach me and new friendships I never expected, I start to believe that maybe I won't become the weapon they want me to be. Maybe I'll be a monster of my own creation. When loyalties are questioned and Bonds are tested, everything I thought I knew gets turned upside down. 

Who are my friends, and who are my enemies?

Are Bond ties stronger than blood? 

Love, ❤


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