Savage Bonds - J. Bree.

Savage Bonds.
Author: J. Bree.
Pages: 350 pages, Kindle edition.
Genre: Fantasy, Reverse Harem, Paranormal, Romance, Magic, NA, College, Urban Fantasy, Shapeshifters. 
Published: September 28, 2021. Independently published.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆4.62.  

Savage Bonds is the second book in "The Bonds That Tie"- series by J.Bree. It is a full length reverse harem PNR novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations.

When I started Broken Bonds, I was sold immediately. I love the fated mates trope and this book has five fated mates in it. That doesn't mean they stand each other but that makes the book so fun to read.

I love the growth of all the characters and how the bond has a character/mind for itself (And how the bond can take over the girl). While reading this book, you get a better look at male characters and they finally discover things they thought otherwise. So their behavior changes during the book (which is a plus, because they were kind of harsh in the previous book).BTW: How cute are Brutus and August?? I really enjoy their part in the story and how Oli connects better with them than her own bonds (and that everybody is afraid of Brutus and August except for Oli).

The world-building isn't big. It still takes place in college, but now it also takes place in the Draven mansion. However, you get a clear idea of where Oli visits places. The world seems fun to live in, but that's because of the gifted people in it. The world itself is like the world we live in.

I really enjoy the series at the moment. I am going to continue it because I am triggered to know more about the characters and the Resistance. But also how the relationship between Oli and her fated mates is going to continue/change. I can't wait to read this series further. Hopefully, you enjoy this story as much as I did.

With my gift coursing through my veins, the tables have turned on the Draven Campus.
I'm no longer the Giftless reject, no longer the girl who's fair game to the other students for daring to run away from my Bonds.

But there are bigger problems heading my way...

With destiny pushing me closer and closer to each of my Bonds, I'm fighting tooth and nail against nature to keep my distance.

But they're fighting harder to keep me in their grasp.
When it becomes clear that the Resistance is closer than we ever thought, I don't know who I can trust.

Can I finally take control of my gift, or will it take control of me? 

Love, ❤


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