Pestilence - Laura Thalassa.

Author: Laura Thalassa.
Pages: 381 pages, Ebook.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, NA, Dystopia, Post Apocalyptic, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal.
Published: September 14, 2018, by Createspace and Laura Thalassa.
Goodreads Rating: ★★★★☆ 3.94.

Hello, my fellow readers. Today's book is going to be "Pestilence" by Laura Thalassa. Pestilence is the first book of the book series "The Four Horsemen." Followed by War, Famine, and Death.

I started reading this book, not knowing and expecting anything from it. The cover took my eye and the name of the book series made me interested in the story. I'm intrigued and interested in cruel and harsh stories by the Christian Testament. This series is a retelling of them, which caught my eyes. The start of this book was fun and exciting, but the midsection was a bit slow. However, the ending made it up for it. 

There aren't a lot of side characters, because the story is largely about Pestilence and Sara Burns and their "Borderline Stockholm Syndrome relationship". I mean, If I get kidnapped by a divine man like Pestilence... I guess I will be attracted as well. 
Sara Burns is our MC. She is a sassy character and has a big mouth, which is exciting to read. I admire her stamina when she is getting tortured because she is really brave and strong.
Pestilence on the other hand, is a divine man sent by God for a purpose. Kill all humanity with the pest. He doesn't understand the mind of human beings, so his acts were harsh. However, through the book he discovers himself. He develops as a character and becomes a true and loving man. 

The world-building isn't huge. But it isn't necessary, because it takes place in this world (the human world) and mostly in Canada. That's why I think this book doesn't have a map in it.  It takes place at a time where human beings are surviving in an apocalyptic world. 

Did I enjoy this apocalyptic, enemies to lovers, dystopian, romance book? Yes, I did. Am I gonna read the series further? Yes, I probably will. Laura her writing style was easy and fun. It
got me intrigued and I am curious about the other stories. The plot at the end was a plus for me. It was an amusing book and I can't wait for the other three books to read. 

They came to earth: Pestilence, War, Famine, Death. Four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

When Pestilence comes for Sara Burn's town, one thing is certain. Everyone she knows and loves is marked for death. Unless, of course, the angelic-looking horsemen is stopped, which is exactly what Sara has in mind when she shoots the unholy beast off his steed.

Too bad no one told her Pestilence can't be killed.

Now the horsemen, very much alive and very pissed off, has taken her prisoner, and he's eager to make her suffer. Only, the longer she's with him, the more uncertain she is about his true feelings towards her... and hers towards him.

And now, well, Sara might still be able to save the world. But in order to do so, she'll have to sacrifice her heart in the process.

Love, ❤


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