Nancy Drew: The Secret Of The Old Clock (1).

Nancy Drew: The Secret Of The Old Clock (1).
Author: Carolyn Keene.
Pages: 180 pages, Hardcover.
Genre: Mystery, YA, Fiction, Adventure, Crime, Mystery Thriller, Classics.
Published: January 1, 1930 Grosset & Dunlap. Imprint of Penguin Random House.
Goodreads rating: ★★★★☆ 3.98.  

Hello my fellow readers. Today I'm going to talk about the book "Nancy Drew: The secret of the Old clock" by Carolyn Keene. This is the first book of the Nancy Drew book series which includes 64 books in total.  

This book reminded me a lot of my childhood, when I used to read Tiny books. However Tiny is more a children's book and Nancy Drew is more YA. The book starts with "Nancy Drew, an attractive girl of eighteen, was driving home along a country in her new, dark-blue convertible." I know when it was written, they were living in different and older times, so the writing style is much different than now. Nancy drew is a perfect girl of eighteen years old. She can do everything, and everything happens directly.

For example: "I must figure out a way!" Nancy said with determination. "I want to help little Judy." She awoke the next morning thinking about the mystery.
I completely missed the part were she got into bed, and now it's already morning?? This happens a lot in the book. There are parts missing that complete the book more. However, it reads very fast.

Nancy Drew's character is a fun character, she is curious to everything and wants to solve things. Her dad is eager curious as her and together they solve things. It's very fun to read their bond and how he supports his daughter. But nobody is that perfect at eighteen (or any age). She really likes to help others without getting rewarded and that's something I admire about her! 

Anyhow, I solved the mystery myself when I finished page 7. The mystery was pretty predictable. I think this book is a fun book to read aloud before your kids bedtime (depending on their age). You can ask them some questions during the reading, like "What do you think will happen next?" But if your an adult, this book will be fun as well because it's a true classic one. The book contains beautiful images like this one:

Nancy Drew are classic books, and I really enjoy them. The mystery is predictable but still fun. Will I read more books of Nancy Drew? Yes, I probably will. I have a thing for old and classic books/stories. 

Nancy, unaided, seeks to find a missing will. To the surprise of many, the Topham family will inherit wealthy Josiah Crowley's fortune, instead of deserving relatives and friends who were promised inheritances. Nancy determines that a clue to a second will might be found in an old clock Mr. Crowley had owned and she seeks to find the timepiece. Her search not only tests her keen mind, but also leads her into a thrilling adventure.

Love, ❤


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