Codfish, oven baked carrots and oven baked mash potato.

I wanted to cook something with carrots and white fish. While I was in bed thinking of what I was gonna cook, I came (eventually) to this dish. I didn't searched for it online or I didn't got it from a cookbook. I thought of it myself. And it doens't look fantastic, but it really was good!

Ingredients (for 5):
- 5 pieces of Codfish
- 5 Carrots
- 2 Onions
- 1 Fennel
- 2 Sweet paprika's (yellow and orange)
- 2 Sjalots
- 2 Garlic cloves
- Fresh rosemary (a handful)
- Potatoes (half cooking pot full)
- Good butter
- Nutmeg
- Salt and Pepper
- Fish herbs
- Olive Oil
- Milk

Step 1:
Preheat your oven on 180°C or 356°F. (Your vegetables will take 2 hours to cook in the oven).

Step 2:
Peel all the vegetables and potatoes. Cut the vegetables in jullienne. Cut the potatoes in half and put them in the cooking pot. When all the potatoes are peeled, and in the pot, put some water in the pot and boil them. While you cut all the vegetables in jullienne pieces, grab a casserole and put some olive oil and rosemary in it, together with the vegetables that you cutted. 

Step 3:
Put the vegetables in the oven (this takes 2 hours to cook, so be aware).When your potatoes are boiled and ready. You pour the water out of  the pot and mash them up. Put some butter, milk, nutmeg, salt en pepper in it. 
!!Be aware that your mash potatoes dries in the oven, so put some extra milk and butter in it while making the mash potatoes!!
When you made the mash potato, put it in a casserole and put some butter on top of it (for the crust). Leave it in the oven on 180°C of 356°F for 15-20min.

Step 4:
Put some butter in a pan and some rosemary. Take the codfish and put it on a paper towel. Put some pepper, salt and fish herbs on top of the fish and dip it in with some paper towel. Turn the fish over and do it on the others side as well. While your pan is heated and the butter is melted together with the rosemary, put the codfish in the pan and let it bake. Wait till it's baked and turn the fish over (Baking the fish will take 15minutes). 

Step 5:
Everything is ready to serve, Bon appetite.

Pay attention:
- Preparing the vegetables will take to 2.30hours (30min for peeling and 2 hours in the oven).
- The potatoes will take 1 hour to prepare (30-40min for cooking, and 30-20min in the oven).
- The fish will take 15-20minutes to make.
- When you put the mash potatoes in the oven, be prepared that it will dry out if you don't make it mushy/creamy.
Good luck and enjoy!





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