Sweet Pumpkin pie.


I tried making a pumpkin pie. It doens't seem really good but it was delicious. I have set a new goal for myself. And that's baking. I love to cook en when I cook, it's mostly with a lot of vegetables. But I love baking as wel, however I don't do it a lot.. which is sad because my grandfather is/was a baker who made the best pies in the whole world. So.. I'm trying! The recipe that I followed was a bit strange and the dough didn't stick to the pumpkin filling.. So that was weird, maybe I did something wrong.. I don't know because I followed the whole recipe.. Also, I didn't like the sand dough with the mixure. I think the pie will be better if it's a spiced bisquit dough or something like that. I just like it sweet.

- 1 Quiche-& pie dough (= sand dough) 300gr.
- 600 gr Pumpkin, peeled, pitted and cut into cubes.
- 1/4L Water.
- 120gr Brown sugar.
- 200gr Cream cheese.
- 1tl Ginger, peeled and finely chopped.
- 2el Maizena.
- Cinnamon
- Butter
- Salt and pepper.

Step 1:
Get the sand dough out of the fridge, 10min before use and preheat the oven to 170°C  (338°F).

Step 2:
Grease the pie pan with butter, put the sand dough in the pie pan and press.

Step 3:
Put some butter in a pan and fruit the pumkin, then boil it further in the water and drain.

Step 4:
Puree the pumpkin and let the mixture cool.

Step 5:
Mix the eggs, sugar, cream cheese, maïzena en cinnamon together.

Step 6:
Fill the pie pan with the mixture and bake it at 180°C in 35 - 40min.

This is a simple recipe for a good pie, it's easy and quite fast. You can finish it up with some ice cream or some creame cheese on top. I did it with some vanilla ice cream and some agave syrup. Enjoy making and tasting it!




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