The Last song - Nicholas Sparks.


The Last song.
Author: Nicholas Sparks.
Pages: 390 pages, Paperback.
Genre: Romance, fiction.
Published: 25 July, 2017.
Goodreads rating: ★★★★☆ (4.15)

This book, literally made me cry. It's such a beautiful story, but also so sad.. I saw the movie ones and I thought it was such a great romantic movie. That's when I decided to read the book. I never read any books of Nicholas Sparks, but I saw every movie of his books. And this book was the first one that made me read one of his books. I loved it. So I guess I need to read more books of him. But I feel like I need to read these at a certain time, like a moment when I wanna cry or something like that haha. Anyway, I recommend this book, because it has a beautiful love story, but it also has a sad story in it. And the two comparred makes this book so great. You can feel the relationship between Ronnie and her father grow when things are hard, you can feel how her dad is trying to make things better between him and Ronny, and when it's going the good way, something bad happens. That's the part you're probably gonna cry. As you can read, the story is not only about Ronnie and Will's lovestory, but also about Ronnie and her father. And that's why this book is so beautiful and divergent.

Seventeen year-old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, north Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alienated from her parents, especially her father... Until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church. The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story about love in it's myriad forms-first love, the love between parents and children - that demonstrates, as only Nicholas Sparks novel can.The many ways that deeply felt relationships can break our hearts.....and heal them.

This book has it's own movie, starring Miley Cyrus as Ronnie and Liam Hemsworth as Will.




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