My little garden.


Another thing I like to do, is gardening. I always wanted a beautiful garden with a lot of wild flowers and fresh vegetables/fruits. So past week I had the time to do a little bit. I planted some garlic, and a shallot. I watered the plants and my pumkin. I know it's not a lot, but I wanted to try first before I go buy some garden stuff. Also, now is not the time to grow every vegetable outside, you need to research which vegetables needs to be planted in this time of the year. In the first picture I have this garden bin where my dad used to garden, but as you can see, there some dead plants in it.. I kept the green plants alive. So this bin is a great start to garden because it's 1 meter above the ground, and I feel like there are none insects that destroy the plants because the bin is higher than the ground.

This is my pumkin plant. As you can see, there is this really small pumpkin and that's kinda it.. I planted it to late and in the wrong place. There's not a lot of sun where the plant grows.. So as you can see I need to learn a lot. That's why I wanted to try first and research first before I go big. However I'm kinda proud for this very small pumpkin, and it's still growing. Next time I plant them in the sun. I have a lot of seeds for next year.

I took a picture of the spots that I grew my garlic and shallot. The cirkles with the letter G is where I planted the garlic. The circkle with the letter S is where I planted the shallot. I'm really curious how these plants are going to grow. At the moment I don't see any progress and I planted them two weeks ago.. but I guess that's normal. Alos garlic is a vegetable that you must plant in September, so that's why I didn't plant any other vegetables. I'll see how this is going and if it's going good, I can collect some seeds from other plants. When it fails, I need to find out why it didn't work and still collect some seeds from other plants.

I'm curious how it's going to be, and if it's eatable. But I'm really excited to learn and grown some vegetables. Because they taste better when you grow them yourself and you don't need to buy them in the store anymore, and that is one of my goals. In the store you have a lot of plastic around the vegetables and I wanna learn and find out, how to live with less of garbage and less plastic. So that's another goal for me and it's gonna be hard. But I'm gonna try it. It's gonna take some years, because I need to learn to garden and I need to find out how to buy some stuff without garbage around it.. Currently it sounds impossible. But Impossible can be possible! So let's start this journey and if someone else has this amazing idea or advice. Please let me know for sure!




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