Update Garden (part 1).


Today, I picked all the apples of my tree. They look really delicious. Some of them are bigger than others, (as you van see on the pictures). Some are really small, but I think that's cute. We also had two apples that were rotten. This year we didn't got any red apples, only green ones. You probably are thinking that's impossible when you have a apple tree with green apples, but we have a special apple tree. You see, our apple tree is for green and red apples. Every year we have green and red apples on this tree, except for this year.. Which is sad, but I prefer green apples anyway. Our apple tree is 5 years old I think and it isn't that big. So we don't get a lot of apples, but the apples are really yummy and sweet/sour. So these are the apples for this year, and I'm already thinking what I'm gonna make with it. Also an apple tree or an orange tree or any other fruit trees are so beautiful for your garden (in my opinion) and you get the fruit straight outta the tree. So why not plant any fruit trees, right? 

An update of my pumpkin plant: As you can see my only pumpkin is rotten and it made me quite sad. I'm thinking what went wrong. Maybe it was the lack of sunlight, maybe it was the weather (to much rain, and no sun) these couple of days ago.. I don't know, and I can't find it on the internet. So I'll keep searching, in the meantime I leave my pumpkin on the plant. I hope it grows further. I kinda was prepared for this to happen, so I got loads of pumpkin seeds for next year and hopefully it will grow better than this year. I'm also gonna plant these seeds in an other place with more sunlight and earlier than this year. If any of you guys got some tips, please let me know.




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