Life is Strange.

Life is strange.
Developper: Square Enix
Genre: Adventure game
Game mode: Single player
My rating: ★★★★☆

 I found this game thanks to PS4,. It was a 'test' game and you could only play the first two chapters on it, so I wanted to play it. This was like 5 years ago. And a couple of weeks ago, I still thought about this game. That's the moment I searched it online and bought it. I still thought about this game because I remembered it had a good soundtrack. But also because I thought the game was nicely made. The sunshine in it was gorgeous, This game reminds me of autumn and autumn is my favorite season. Those are the main reasons why I kept thinking about it. Other hand, I thought it was made cool because you chose your own direction in this game. I mean you need to play the character called Maxine "Max" and she can rewind time. Every moment and choices you made, can have consequenses in the future. So that sounds excited, right? And it is! While Max and her best friend Chloë are searching for a missing girl 'Rachel', they get al kinds of actions, so it's your choice to chose which path you go.

Follow the story of Max Caulfield, a photography senior who discovers she can rewind time while saving her best friend Chloe Price. The pair soon find themselves investigating the mysterious disappearance of fellow student Rachel Amber, uncovering a dark side of life in Arcadia Bay. Meanwhile, Max must quikly learn that changing the past can sometimes lea to a devastating future.




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