

This is another brownie recipe that I tried. This was an easy recipe, and it was a really good one. A recipe for 6 persons. Let's start: 

Ingredients (for 6 persons):
- 100g Butter.
- 50g Wheat flower.
- 100g Pure chocolate.
- 100g Sugar.
- 2 Eggs.

Step 1: 
Preheat the oven on 180°C or 356°F. Butter your baking tin and dust with flower. 

Step 2:
Melt 100g chocolate and add the 100g butter when the chocolate has melted.

Step 3:
Split the eggs and beat the whites (from the eggs) stiff. Beat the yolks with sugar until a white foamy mass, gently stir them into the cooled chocolate mixture. Then scoop in the egg white foam. Sift the flour over the batter and scoop in carefully.

Step 4:
Spoon the batter into the baking tin and smooth. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until the top is dry and slighty cracked.

Bon appétit!

- You can add some icecream and powdered sugar with the brownie. -




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