Gingerbread House.


A Gingerbread House.

One of my favorite things to do during Christmas, is making a gingerbread house. Every year my grandpa (he was a baker) and I, we would make some spiced bisquit and build a spiced bisquit house. When I was little we always made it during the Christmas holidays and he would put it in his store and everybody wanted to buy it because its not something people really do here in Belgium
However, this year we couldn't make a spiced bisquit house thanks to Covid 19.. I did sent my grandad some pictures and he loved it. Anyway I wanted to share this with you guys because its fun to do, its delicious and the kids (or the adults) will love it. 

I bought all the materials for this gingerbread house in the Ikea. You can get the gingerbread (already shaped), a decor-kit and some baking glue. To be honest, I don't know the price anymore and I trew the bill away.. But I thought it was something between 6-15€.

What is your favorite activity to do during teh holidays? Did you make a gingerbread house? 



- Gingerbread house bought in the Ikea, price between 6-15€ -


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