My Little garden (part 4).

My Little garden 

It's the time of the year again when it freezes outside, which fun and all. I like the weather when it's colder and when it freezes. However, I'm kinda scared for my plants. My mint plant has frozen to pieces.. As you can see on the picture (left) , my citronella plant (behind the garlic plants) looks a bit brown. Yet my garlic plants are lookin amazing. I have read that garlic can handle winter temperatures, especially if you keep the plant warmer with some hay. So I put on some hay on the plants and their still standing green.

My pumkins are rotten.. I think it was to cold. They where planted to late, but they were still growing. However, they didn't make it. I had two pumpkins, this was the only one left. When I holded my pumpkin, it felt squashy. After the photo was taken, it felt like it was gonna fell apart.
Sadly my pumpkins didn't make it. But it's a lesson learned for next year. 

I'm gonna research when I can plant which plant. So I can prepare when it becomes warmer outside. I wanna learn it and make time for it. I got a garden book from Wim Lybaert - my vegetable garden (mijn moestuin) which has a lot of information on vegetables and fruits. When you need to plant these plants, which ground they need, which you can plant next to each other en which not..etc. It's a very interesting book and a big book. It also has a calender for the plants, so that's very handy.



- Garden book: Wim Lybaert - Mijn moestuin (29.99€) only available in dutch -


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