Yogi Tea.


Yogi Tea.
Before bedtime, I always drink tea like camille tea or marocco mint tea.  I really enjoy these kind of teas, however I wanted to try more teas that I could drink before bedtime. So my aunt recommended these ones and I tried them.

Yogi Tea: Bedtime.
Bedtime tea slides on your tong because it's really tasty but also very soft.

Fennel (31%), chamomile blossom (17%), peppermint, cardamom, lemon balm, lemon grass, valerian root (6%), sage, lavender blossom, nutmeg.

Fennel tea relieves flatulence, encourage urination, boost metabolism, treat hypertension, improve eyeside, stimulate milk production in nursing women, reduce stress, detoxify the body and many more.

Yogi Tea: Turmeric chai.
This tea was recommended with warm milk. I drank it with hot water. To be honest, I have yet to try it with some milk. Anyway, I already loved it with some hot water. It's really tasteful.

Turmeric root (55%), cinnamon (14%), liquorice, ginger (7%), cardamom (3%), black pepper, apple, fennel, mace, cocoa shells, cloves.

Turmeric tea helps reduces arthritis symptons, boost immune function, helps prevent and treat cancer, protects against liver damage, gallstones and manages liver conditions, helps prevent and manage diabetes and many more.

These teas where different then the teas I always drink, but I really enjoyed these ones as well and I will continue drinking these ones before bedtime (alternating with the other teas of course). If you like strong - flavoured teas, then I definitely recommend these ones. Which tea do you prefer? 




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