My Reading Goals For 2021.


Good day my readers. The year 2021 has started over a month now, and I'm glad because I can start over with a new slate and new goals. Last year has been a busy and quite a weird year for me. I wanted to do so much but I couldn't thanks to my job and a virus. Also I bought a house that needs to be rebuild so I got a lot to do, but in my main time I enjoy talking about books, food, games, music and many more. So I needed to make a goal list so I can do much more in less time without pressure.

My Goals/intentions for 2021.

Read comicbooks.
When I go to a bookshop, I always look at the comicbook section. I really like reading comicbooks, but I don't know much about it. With that I mean, I don't know where to start and which series to read.  So I feel like I need to start with a comicbook series this year because it's a new year and I need to expand my goals. That leads to my next goal.

Read more and expand the genre of my reading.
I really enjoy reading YA and I will continue reading this genre. However, I'm getting older and I feel like I need to read more books with another genre in it. Like Adult fiction, literature, science fiction, crime, horror and many more. I feel like I need to changea genre ones in a while because I can get stuck in a book of it's not that amazing and that means it takes a lot of time to start reading it further because it's hard for me to DNF books and I need to finish a book before I can start reading a new book. 

Shut of my social media and enjoy reading more.
Social media is an adiction. I can watch stuff on instagram for hours and waste so much time on things. So a new goal is to invest more time in reading and less in social media.

Be predicctable in blogging.
I try to make sure I blog at least 3 times a week. However, I put things on my blog in time, I always forget to share it on social media stuff. That's something I need to invest more in and be predicctable in.

Expanding my blog.
I really like talking about stuff like books, food, music, games and many more. However I feel like people don't feel like discussing things on my blog which is sad because I like to talk about those things where I'm passionate about. I will try and expand my blog so I can discuss things with others and learn more about things and books and games and many more.

Those are my main goals for 2021. It sounds very simple but it will be a big research for me and I hope I can learn things out off it. What are your goals for 2021? Maybe you can inspire me for other goals as well. 🌠



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