Two Dark Reigns - Kendare Blake.

Two Dark Reigns.
Author: Kendare Blake.
Pages: 464 pages, Hardcover.
Genre: Fantasy, YA, fiction.
Published: 4 September, 2018.
Goodreads rating: ★★★★☆ (4.02).

Two Dark Reigns is the third book of the Three Dark Crowns series. I've finished this book in a week, because I wanna finish this series so I can read other books. I'm that kind of person who reads one book at a time, otherwise I get confused. However I really like this series, the third book is great book. I think the characters are evolving quikly. I like the three sisters, and yes even Katharine.

Even when Katharine is possed by murderous queens who are forcing her to kill, even when she doens't want to. I really enjoy this character, she is fighting against the queens, fighting against the legion Queen. However, her relationship with Pietyr is still something I don't get.

Jules became someone important, namely 'The Legion Queen". That's what Emelia told her and I really don't like Emelia, she bosses around Jules and tells her what to do. I get the feeling she is manipulating her. Jules and Mirabella are working together, even when they don't like each other. They both have the best interests in Arsinoe, which I really like, because Arsinoe and Mirabella should have killed each other, but their love for each other was stronger. Mirabella helps Arsinoe, even when she doens't like Jules. But then again, what will happen next? 

Arsinoe has a big life decicion to make, I genuinely wouldn't want to stand in her feets. She loves Billy, but she doesn't really show it. Which I think is sad because Billy has the best interests for Arsinoe.

I really liked this book, it was written good and it has a small plot twist at the ending which I enjoy. The characters are interesting, and as I said, they are evolving quikly. I like that this book has a map at the beginning, because I used it several times. I'm excited to read the fourth book of the 'Three Dark Crowns' series. I got so many questions! What will happen To Jules, and Katharine? What is Arsinoe gonna do with her life decicion? What will happend to Pietyr? Let's find out in the 4th book 'Five Dark Fates'.

Queen Katharine has waited her entire life to wear the crown. But now that she finally has it, the murmurs of dissent grow louder by the day. There's also the alarming issue of whether or not her sisters are actually dead -or if theh're waiting in the wings to usurp the throne.

Mirabella and Arsinoe are alive, but in hiding on the mainland and dealing with a nightmare of their own. Being visited repeatedly by a specter they think might be the fabled Blue Queen. Though she says nothing, her rotting, bony finger pointing out to sea is clear enough: return to Fennbirn.

Jules, too, is in a strange place -in disguise. And her only confidants, a war gifted girl named Emilia and her oracle friend Mathilde, are urging her to take on a role she can't imagine filling: a legion-cursed queen who will lead a rebel army to Katharine's doorstep.

This is an uprising that the mysterious Blue Queen may have more to do with than anyone could have guessed -or expected.



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