
Hello everyone. Today I'm gonna talk about my sodastream. 
We all know that the world is heating up and that we need to change a little bit of our way of living. That's why I wanted to talk about this product, a sodastream. I really think it's an amazing invention and I use it regulary. 
When I drink water, I always drink water of the tap. However I drink a lot of sparkling water as well. The problem was, I couldn't drink it from the tap, because my tap water isn't sparkly water. I always bought sparkly water from bottles. At some point I had so much plastic bottles, which made me kinda mad. That's when I heard of Sodastream. This is a sparkly water or soft drink maker. You get usable plastice bottles with this product and you can reuse the bottles over and over again. The only garbage you get is the tank with gas in, which is from aluminium and not plastic. I'm still using the tank and I got my sodastream for about a year now. You can use it a lot, but offcourse it depends on how much u use it. You can put some extra things in your drink for some taste, like herbs, plants, flavours..etc or you can buy some syrops as well. I got a couple syrops which costs about 6€. These syrops bottles are made from plastic, but if you make some soft drinks with it, you have less waste than bought bottles. 

You can make the water as sparkly as you want and as sweet as you want. I really enjoy using this product and it produces less waste then bottled drinks. It's not 100% eco-friendly, but it's a good start.

I got various syrops which I enjoy drinking. I always use ginger ale (which is empty at the moment) and my italian spritz. My family drinks the other flavours. The syrops taste almost the same as the real products which is good and you can make it as strong as you want.

What do you think of this product? 



- I bought the sodastream in Hubo.Belgium and I paid 59.99€ for it. -


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