


First time ever that I made brownies. I wanted to bake something, but I didn't know what to bake. So I made something 'simple' to start with, because I thought by myself  'I should start with the basics while baking, and not the complex things' (if that makes sense). So I made brownies. 

Ingredients (for 5 persons):
- 1.25gr Baking powder.
- 100gr Cocoa powder. 
- 75gr Pastry flour.
- 375gr Sugar.
- 5 Eggs.
- 312.50gr Butter.
- 250gr Dark chocolate.

Step 1:
Melt the chocolate (250gr) and the butter (312.50gr) in a au bain-marie way. And preheat the oven on 180°C or 356°F.

Step 2:
Take a mixing bowl and break the eggs in it.

Step 3:
Whisk the eggs until foamy and fluffly. Add the sugar as soon as the eggs are whisked. Mix it together until its a pale foamy mixture.

Step 4: 
Take a mixing bowl and place a strainer over it. Sieve the weighed flour, together with the cocoa powder and the baking powder.

Step 5:
Pour the melted chocolate and butter mixture into the whisked egss. Stir the batter. Pour the mixture (the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder) also with the chocolate and butter mixture. Stir this batter all together.

Step 6:
Grab an oven dish and put some baking paper in it. Pour the batter in the oven dish and flatten it. You can put some breselienne nuts (or other nuts) on the batter, this is up to you. 

Step 7: 
Bake the batter in the oven for about 30-50 minutes (on 180°C). After baking, the pastry will be a bit weaky, let it cool down so that it can stiffen. The intention is that the brownies are still soft and moist (inside).

Voila! You can serve the brownies with some vanilla ice or other flavors. Bon appétit!



- This recipe is from Jeroen Meeus - 


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