Oatmeal pancakes.


Oatmeal pancakes.

This recipe is really delicious and easy to make. You only need 4 ingredients for the pancakes. The topping is up to you but I choose for some blueberries, raspberries, pomgrenate seeds and cottage cheese (low-fat). A healty, easy and quick recipe to make.

Ingredients:  (for 5 pancakes)
- 100ml Milk.
- 75gr Oatmeal.
- 1 Egg.
- 1 Banana.

Step 1:
Put the ingredients in a measuring cup and mix it all together with a mixer, to a batter.

Step 2: 
Put a little bit of butter in the pan and let it melt. Pour a little pancake in the pan and let it bake on both sides. Each side takes about 3 minutes to bake.

Step 3:
When all the pancakes are baked, you can choose your topping. As you can see, I did my topping with some: Blueberries, raspberries, pomgrenate seeds and low-fat cottage cheese. When you like it a little sweeter, put on some maple syrup.

Bon appétit!




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