My Garden (part 3).


My garlic is growing so fast! As you can see on the picture, the red garlic is growing as well (in the background). The white garlic (in the front) is growing bigger and bigger. My shallot is not exactly growing. Maybe the shallot needs more time or it's probably to cold because it's a vegetable that you need to plant in march (whoops, at least tried).  

When it get's colder, I need to put some hay on my garlic plants to protect them against the cold. Garlic is a vegetable that can get true the cold days. You need to plant it in september and you harvest it at the end of june. So it's strong enough to get through the cold winter days. But the hay protects them a little bit better against the cold.

My pumpkins are getting bigger and bigger. Even when the time of 'growing pumpkins' are over. Mine are still growing. 

Their not big and they are probably not gonna grow big. But their still growing. I'm curious to see the end result of my pumpkins and how big they gonna be. The flowers on my pumpkins are growing and going. I feel like they open up at the beginning of the day, and closing when the night arrives. But their beautiful to look at. Their are two pumpkins growing on my plant and one is bigger then the other. I'm curious for next week, are they gonna be bigger or are they gonna rot. Will see, until then.




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